Fighting For Bin Laden
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Fighting For Bin Laden

Fighting For Bin Laden


PBS Frontline (USA)

ABC Four Corners (Australia)

Journeying deep inside enemy territory, Najibullah again gains extraordinary access to an armed group in Afghanistan, this time, a band of militants and foreign fighters who say they're loyal to bin Laden and that they're readying a spring offensive against the U.S. and coalition forces.

Afghan journalist Najibullah Quraishi -- once again journeys deep inside enemy territory. This time, he gains extraordinary access to a band of militants and foreign fighters in Afghanistan who say they're loyal to bin Laden and that they're readying a spring offensive against the U.S. and coalition forces.

Their leader is man who only wanted to be known as Khan, an Afghan of Arab descent whose connections to Al Qaeda go far back; Khan had fought against the Russians with Osama bin Laden. Are these local bands of militants Al Qaeda's future

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